Membership – Education – Advocacy
Membership provides confidence that providers are informed about compliance with changing legal regulations and industry best practices while reinforcing provider reputation within a network of ethical business practitioners.
Educational and certificate opportunities build skills with higher-level learning designed for providers interested in ethical business practices and regulatory compliance and informing prospective consumers of the dedication the provider exhibits toward honest business practices.
Advocacy efforts encourage industry involvement and self-regulation by informing providers of legislative activity that will promote state and federal rules and regulations that benefit providers and those suffering from behavioral health illnesses.

Chief Operating Officer 02/2018 – 02/2019
Board of Advisers
- Improved branding to create industry-leading brand “BHAP” for healthcare compliance and ethical practices, growing membership 200% and subscribers 1200%…
- Delivered collegiate-level compliance certificate program “C-ATM” with online and live course offerings with first-to-market saturation…
- Created web-based membership and subscription platform with access to benefits…
- Built strategic affiliations and partnerships improving brand recognition over 400%…
- Produced profit-sharing partnerships with conference producers generating 20% of sales…
- Reversed negative trend in profitability and introduced controls eliminating 63% of costs…
- Contributed as new role of Technical Advisor for federal and state healthcare legislation…